Kids and parents enjoy last day of summer break

Kids celebrate last day of summer

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(ABC 6 News) – Monday marks the start of back to school for many kids in our area, as they take on the new school year.

Many students soaked in the last days of summer fun before they shift back into school mode.

“The kids are looking forward to going to school and starting sports, they both have sports coming up like football and volleyball,” said parent Mandy Good.

Aubryn and Jetson Good were two of many kids enjoying their final day of summer vacation. They and their parents chose to spend their last day off attending Greek Fest.

“I’m going to get new gym shoes and eat here and I do not know what else is planned,” said Jetson.

Aubryn and Jetson have lots of things like they like to do during the summer, but going to the fair and camping were some of their favorites.

With just one last day to enjoy everything summer has to offer, there was so much to do. From swimming to baseball and basketball, everyone was enjoying some time having fun in the sun.

Even as another school year looms ahead, some kids are actually excited to go back.

“I’m not like sad about going to school and stuff because I get to hang out with my friends, and we have a really fun time together,” said Aubryn.

With the freedom summer break allows coming to an end, the routine of going to school is set to take over.