Last League of Women Voters candidate forum results in a no-show

Another candidate forum no-show

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(ABC 6 News) – For the last few weeks, the League of Women Voters in Rochester has hosted these forums but lately they’ve noticed some candidates have not been attending.

The trend of candidates not showing up continued as one candidate running for the Rochester Public School board seat was a no show.

Current RPS school board member Don Barlow was in attendance and answered questions about the upcoming referendum and potential cuts if it fails. He said he’s in support of it.

“It is a referendum born out of necessity, and I believe that everything that can be accomplished with the passage of this referendum, our students and certainly this community is deserving of,” Barlow said.

Next to Barlow was an empty seat belonging to his opponent Patrick Farmer.

Farmer wasn’t the only candidate this year to not show up to their candidate forum.

The absences of these candidates may be something voters will think about going into the election.

“That’s what each voter gets to decide is in this day in age when material and information is available online and through phone calls and through other kinds of printed materials, are these events critical,” ABC 6 News political analyst Shane Baker said.

I reached out to Farmer to ask why he wasn’t at tonight’s forum, but my call wasn’t returned.

This was the last candidate forum hosted by the League of Women Voters Rochester; all that’s left to do now is go out and vote.