Limited turn lane closure on Hwy 14 near Apache Mall begins July 24

Courtesy: MGN
(ABC 6 News) – The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) announced on Tuesday that there will be a limited turn lane closure at Highway 14 near Apache Mall beginning on Monday, July 24.
MnDOT said motorists traveling east on Hwy 14 will have a shortened turn lane when making a left turn north onto Hwy 52 at the mall.
Crews will be completing concrete repairs that is expected to last until the afternoon of July 27, depending on weather and the concrete reaching the strength needed to hold vehicles, said MnDOT.
The left turn lane is on the east side of the bridge that crosses Highway 52. MnDOT said it will not be closed.
MnDOT said approximately 26,000 motorists use this road daily. Motorists should watch for a reduced lane, barricades and signs indicating the work and effects on traffic.