Bayles family hosts “We ARE Stronger Together!” book signing

Bayles family hosts “We ARE Stronger Together!” book signing

Wednesday, a former Ronald McDonald Charities Midwest Family signed copies of their book 'We ARE Stronger Together!: The Extraordinary Story of One Boy’s Relentless Joy Despite Fighting a Losing Battle.'

(ABC 6 News) – On Wednesday, a former Ronald McDonald Charities Midwest Family signed copies of their book ‘We ARE Stronger Together!: The Extraordinary Story of One Boy’s Relentless Joy Despite Fighting a Losing Battle.’

You may recognize the Bayles Family as ABC 6 News interviewed them Tuesday night.

The book tells Seth Bayles’ story as he fights a rare disease at Mayo Clinic. It’s a disease doctors don’t have a name for. So Seth thought one way to explain his journey to others could be with a book.

“‘Like Mom, can you help me out here?’ You know, so I would like to give, have something to give to them. So my mom, I would have my mom write this book,” said Seth.

His mom Julie also shares her story as she takes care of Seth as a parent and a caretaker.

“People relate to suffering. They relate to weakness, vulnerability, and surrendering things they can’t control. They relate to being brokenhearted. Their life not going as planned, right? We can all identify with that. Suffering is a mutual language and it’s no respecter of persons,” Julie said.

The book is already a #1 bestseller and can be bought online or at the Dove and Book Gift Shop in Downtown Rochester.