Local reactions to the Israel-Hamas Conflict

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(ABC 6 News) – Bloodshed and chaos have broken out after Israel was attacked this weekend by the Hamas militant group.

While it may be all the way across the world, that devastation is still being felt here in Minnesota. Rabbi Michelle Werner of the B’nai Israel Synagogue in Rochester says we need to call it was it is, “terrorism.”

“This isn’t about God. There is no God in this conversation. This is about humanity,” said Rabbi Werner.

The attack in the Middle East shaking all corners of the world.

“I think most people in the Jewish world are shattered. And the more the information comes out the more devastating it is,” said Rabbi Werner.

As of Monday afternoon, 900 dead have been confirmed dead in Israel and over 500 in Gaza following Israel’s counterattack.

According to University of Minnesota professor Dr. Oren Gross, the Hamas attack on Israeli civilians violated international law, but Israel’s rebuttal and subsequent attack on civilians in Gaza is justified.

“And one of the reasons we see the numbers of civilians going up in Gaza is actually as a result of wanted intentional reason of Hamas imbedding itself in human population is using them as human shields,” said Gross.

Palestinian liberation groups rallied in cities across the United States, pushing for an end to the conflict.

“We don’t want blood, we don’t want to fight Israel forever. We just want our land back and just a free Palestine,” said Wisam Zeidan who protested in Chicago.

Gross is encouraged by the support of President Biden and United States for their only democratic ally in the Middle East.