Mayo Clinic hosts high school students for Career Immersion Program

High school students visit Mayo Clinic

A group of high schoolers across Minnesota are at Mayo Clinic this week to learn about careers they may not have known about before.

(ABC 6 News) – A group of 31 high school students from across Minnesota gathered at Mayo Clinic June 22-27 to get hands-on experience in some of the most sought after career fields in the medical industry.

The Career Immersion Program is put on by Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences and features fields from radiography to phlebotomy to anesthesia.

The goal of the program is to give students more opportunities that they otherwise might have been aware of.

“We feel like these programs that we offer are not well known,” said operations specialist for Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences Ryan Prigge. “They’re not as popular as the physician track or the nurse track and these are hidden gems in our eyes that they can see.

For some students, the program has had a significant impact.

Naomi Jones is a junior from Owatonna who thought she wanted to be an ophthalmic technician… before she learned about radiography.

“I found out that I think I really love that,” she said. “I really think that that might be my calling in life.”

Over 250 students have gone through the program, many of who0m have gone into healthcare careers later on.