Meet the Dodge County Relay for Life honorary survivor and caregiver

Meet the Dodge Co. Relay for Life honorary survivor and caregiver

Meet the Dodge Co. Relay for Life honorary survivor and caregiver

(ABC 6 News) – Dale and Linda Ulve know cancer better than most people.

In their family is a genetic condition, called Lynch syndrome. It increases the risk of many kinds of cancers, according to the Mayo Clinic.

So far, Dale has beaten cancer 12 times.

“I love my doctors,” Dale said. “I’ve got a whole bunch of them.”

Many cures Dale has experienced are thanks to medical advancements, and many are made possible by donations and support through events like Relay for Life, said Dale’s wife Linda.

“I believe this money has created the ability to find cures,” Linda said. “We need to keep it going.”

Not only money helps, but spreading awareness, too.

“We’re survivors, not victims,” Linda said. “It’s only natural that maybe sharing experiences has become our purpose.”

They keep having fun, even when it’s hard.

“Our granddaughter Brianna designed this shirt. ‘Ulve Fighter’ and of course, the mustache,” Linda said.

Dale ordered his family a pack of fake handlebar mustaches so they can match his iconic facial hair at the relay.

And because the Ulve’s don’t know what tomorrow brings, they take it day by day.

“Life goes on,” Linda said. “You can have quality life, even though you’re experiencing cancer. We’ve learned how to live with cancer.”

The Dodge County Relay for Life starts at 4:30 on Friday in Kasson at the Dodge County Fairgrounds.