Mille Lacs reserve deputy arrested, faces child porn charges

Mille Lacs reserve deputy arrested

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(ABC 6 News) — A reserve deputy at the Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s Office is behind bars.

Just last week, Mille Lacs County prosecutors charged 28-year-old Tyler Pettit with four counts of disseminating child pornography.

Mille Lacs County Sheriff Kyle Burton went right to social media speaking out about the arrest.

“I preach transparency and practice it, and I hold people accountable, even if its our own folks who work here. I felt it was important that come from me, as the sheriff I’m going to hold you accountable, especially if you are somebody who previously represented this office,” Burton said.

Pettit is now out on bond and is set to be back in a Mille Lacs County court next week.