Minnesota deer hunting licenses now on sale

Courtesy: MGN / Pixabay
(ABC 6 News) – Deer hunting licenses for the fall season in Minnesota went on sale Tuesday, and state officials say there will be more ways to hunt this year.
New this year, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says crossbows will be allowed for all deer hunters with an archery license.
“We’re excited for deer season. Hunters have a lot to look forward to this year,” said Barb Keller, big game program leader for the DNR. “We encourage all hunters to review the new hunting regulations and make a plan for hunting success.”
The state’s 2023 hunting regulations were also posted Tuesday, and the DNR says there are some significant changes, like chronic wasting disease (CWD) zone changes.
Minnesota’s deer season dates for 2023 are as follows:
- Archery: Sept. 16 through Dec. 31
- Youth and early antlerless: Oct. 19 through Oct. 22
- Firearms: Nov. 4, with various closing dates depending on a hunter’s location
- Muzzleloader: Nov. 25 through Dec. 10
- Late CWD hunt (DPAs 605, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648 and 649): Dec. 15-17.
The DNR adds that it continues to be important for hunters to get their deer tested in CWD zones, and some deer permit areas were added.
For more information on Minnesota deer hunting, CLICK HERE.