Motions, witness lists filed by state and defense ahead of trial against Adam Fravel

Motions filed in Fravel trial

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(ABC 6 News) — Several motions were filed by the prosecution and the defense, just two weeks before the man accused of murdering Madeline Kingsbury goes to trial.

Adam Fravel is charged with two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder.

On Monday, Zachary Bauer, Fravel’s defense attorney, filed multiple motions, including one which would prohibit anyone in the courtroom from wearing clothing, ribbons bracelets and buttons which reference Kingsbury, violence against women, and “Justice for Maddi.”

Bauer argues in his motion this could “significantly interfere” with Fravel’s right to a free trial because it could cause an emotional response from the jury.

Another motion filed by Bauer would block the testimony of a domestic violence expert during the trial, arguing her testimony could affect Fravel’s presumption of innocence.

“Special care must be taken by the trial judge to ensure that the Defendant’s presumption of innocence does not get lost in the flurry of expert testimony,” Bauer wrote in his motion. “And, more importantly that the responsibility forjudging credibility and the facts remain with the jury.”

Fravel’s attorneys also motioned for a pretrial hearing to review photos, videos, slides, graphics and depictions, and to limit the amount of photos from the medical examiner and law enforcement shown to the jury, arguing their value is outweighed by their prejudice.

Several other motions were filed by Fravel’s team, including blocking some witness testimony, prohibiting the use of physical restraints on Fravel and limiting the number of bailiffs in the courtroom.

The prosecution filed a list of over 150 witnesses that could be called at the trial, and several were also listed for the defense.

Judge Nancy Buytendorp has not ruled on any motions that were filed.

The trial against Fravel is scheduled to start on Oct. 7 in Blue Earth County and go on for several weeks.