National Weather Service makes changes to hazardous cold weather headlines

(ABC 6 news) — With colder weather right around the corner in Minnesota, it’s important to know that the National Weather Service is changing its cold weather headlines.

Starting October 1st, these changes are in place:

  • Wind Chill Watch will become Extreme Cold Watch
  • Wind Chill Warning will become Extreme Cold Warning
  • Wind Chill Advisory will become Cold Weather Advisory

It is important to note that “wind chill” is not going away, but the NWS is implementing these headline changes to emphasize that cold is dangerous with or without wind.

Moving forward, cold weather headlines will be based on the apparent temperature regardless of wind. These changes were informed by public and partner engagement, surveys, and social science research.

Locally, the NWS La Crosse criteria for an advisory will be changing to -25 degrees (up to now it’s been -20 degrees); warning criteria will remain the same at -35 degrees.