New poll lays out races for MN House and U.S. Senate

Minnesota House race poll

(ABC 6 News) — Enthusiasm among Democrats for Kamala Harris may be influencing other races in Minnesota.

Democrats are seeing more interest in races for the Minnesota House of Representatives, and Amy Klobuchar has big leads over her two Republican challengers in the Senate, according to the latest polling data from KSTP.

The latest KSTP SurveyUSA poll shows Democrats opening up a 10-point lead over Republicans, 50% to 40%, in the battle for the Minnesota House. Meanwhile, 2% prefer a third-party candidate, and 7% remain undecided.

However, this poll could be an outlier.

“The 10-point lead for Democrats in the State House races is a big shift from what we’ve seen before when it was a margin of error in previous surveys,” said Carleton College political analyst Steven Schier.

As for the U.S. Senate race, the two Republicans challenging Klobuchar in November both trail her by more than 20 points. Republican candidate Royce White is behind by 22 points while primary challenger Joe Fraser is behind by 21.