New Zumbrota community pool approved

New community pool approved in Zumbrota

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(ABC 6 News)- The days of no pool are over in Zumbrota. This comes after the referendum for a new pool was passed on Tuesday by over 200 votes, bringing a newly renovated one to the town.

“This pool is going to be a wonderful thing for our whole community. It’s going to be much more usable and user friendly, as opposed to the pool we had for the last 53 years,” said Meg James, who is the chairmen of the “Building Ourselves a New Pool Committee” in Zumbrota.

One resident of Zumbrota owns a trailer with her husband. They have been camping at Covered Bridge Park in Zumbrota for over 20 years. She mentioned how important it is to have a pool nearby.

“It’s been a great asset to the park so I mean you have a playground, you have the pool, you have a walking path, bike path. You kind of just need a pool to finish it off,” said the trailer owner Lois Eddis.

And she mentioned how it’s been something that’s been needing to get done.

“When you put a new pool in there, as soon as you get a little problem, you fix that problem. You don’t band-aid it. You fix it. And that way you can keep the pool for many many years,” Eddis said.

Especially with many kids being forced to take the bus into other areas to swim.

“You don’t have to worry about getting a bus scheduled to get to Pine Island. What if you get sick and you want to go home, do you have wait for a certain amount of tine to get a bus back,” said Eddis.

So what is next after the referendum? Zumbrota city administrator Brian Grudem explained.

“We’re asking the pool committee and the park board to raise another about 1.3-1.4 million dollars. So next steps will be moving into the fundraising phase. We have a meeting on Monday to start planning for that.”

Some of the new features of the pool will include a zero entry into the water, along with a 1 meter diving board, and a deck slide. The old pool did feature of rock climbing wall which will be included in the new pool as well.

The total project is expected to cost around 4.2 million when it’s all said and done. This will help bring summer fun in the sun back to Zumbrota.