Officials aim to lower number of deaths on MN roads
(ABC 6 News) – Rochester-Olmsted Council of Government’s (ROCOG) held its final meeting of the year, with much of the discussion revolving around new transportation goals on Minn. roads.
At the ROCOG meeting, council members agreed to implement projects and programs to help lower the number of deaths from traffic accidents.
Minn. safety officials want to see fewer than 352 deaths on Minn. roads in 2023.
However, there were 488 deaths last year alone, causing local officials to doubt if the goal is attainable.
“If we’re really gonna get a handle on this, it is going to require holding hands with our state patrol and our local law enforcement to try to slow things down and stop fatalities,” added Rochester Mayor Kim Norton.
Rochester-Olmsted Council of Government's (ROCOG) held its final meeting of the year, with much of the discussion revolving around new transportation goals on Minn. roads.
Council members agreed that targeted campaign programs and federal funding from the National Highway Safety Admin. is critical to lower fatalities.
The council agreed to implement programs that support the Minn. Dep. of Transportation’s (MnDOT) goal.
Also discussed at the meeting was a five-year transit development plan recommended by Rochester Public Transit. The plan recommends creating more bus routes as well as creating alternative routes that do not require traveling through downtown Rochester.
The plan, recommended by Transit Projects Manager Bradley Bobbitt, comes from months of feedback from the community.
Other recommendations from Bobbitt include making the transit system easier to understand for the public.