Owatonna toddler struck in hit and run has made a full recovery

Pfeifer plea deal

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(ABC 6 News) — Nearly four months after Anastasia Westphall was severely injured in a hit and run crash, she has made a full recovery.

Westphall was left with a fractured skull, pelvis, lesion to her liver, a concussion and more after a truck hit her and another woman while they were crossing the street.

After months of recovery, including a brace for her pelvic fracture, her parents said she is back to her energetic and happy self.

“She’s running around again,” Dylan Westphall, Anastasia’s dad, said. “After she had her brace off it took some adjustment within just that couple weeks or so afterwards of just kind of getting the feel for things again and running around.”

On Thursday, Scott Pfeifer, the man charged with the hit and run, pleaded guilty to the crime.

With the plea deal, Pfeifer will serve a maximum of 60 days in prison.

Dylan Westphall said the guilty plea will help their family start putting the incident behind them.

“Now we know that there’s some closure on that, now we can start looking forward and going beyond,” Dylan Westphall said.

If you would like to support the Westphall family, a link to their GoFundMe can be found here.