Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo seeking donations of extra fish to help feed animals

Fishing for furry friends

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(ABC 6 News) – The Zollman Zoo is asking the community to help care for several animals whose diets rely on fish by donating extra or older catches that aren’t being used.

The zoo caters to a variety of Minnesota’s native wildlife, and caring for them can be a lot of work, requiring the help of the community to maintain.

Two of the zoo’s inhabitants are American River Otters, which eat three pounds of fish every day. That might not seem like a lot, but when you rely on the community to maintain your supply, it adds up.

“Everything we feed is donated,” said park naturalist Hope Chappuis. “Any meat products, fish products, we’re pretty much getting those from the public.”

As of now, the zoo is running low on frozen fish, so it’s hoping to get some help while fishing is still good.

Any kind of fish is usable, as long as it isn’t still living, isn’t just the skin, guts, or bones and, more importantly, is caught sustainably.

“We don’t want you to go out and catch fish for us, that’s not what we’re asking,” said Chappuis. “But if you’re going out to catch more fish for yourself to eat and have some extra fish in your freezer… those are the kind of things that we’re looking for.”

Donations can be made directly to the Zollman Zoo either by dropping off at a donation box where a yellow flag can be raised to alert staff, or by going to the front desk inside the nature center for assistance.

You can also find more information on the zoo’s Facebook page, or by reaching out to the zoo through their website.