RCTC HIVE Supply Campus Food Pantry Wins $25,000

(ABC 6 NEWS) – Rochester Community and Technical College’s (RCTC) HIVE Supply Campus Food Pantry is getting a big donation from State Farm’s Neighborhood Assist Grant.

Wednesday afternoon, the $25,000 check was delivered to the school.

RCTC staff say they have seen a rapid increase of students utilizing the HIVE Supply.

This money will help them make sure no student goes hungry.

“We are here to support you, I know it’s hard to ask for help, but we know that investing in your education and being successful here is going to set you up to be successful for the rest of your life,” Kristin Mannix, advancement coordinator for Rochester Community and Technical College said.

RCTC was the only school in Minnesota to get this funding.

“Being able to help students with food insecurity and making sure they do get fed and making sure they focus on their studies is a big impact,” David Jorgenson, an agent at State Farm said.

If you’re a student who attends RCTC and would like to check out the HIVE, it is open Monday through Friday on campus.