Rochester child pornography offender re-arrested for probation violation

(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester predatory offender is held in the Olmsted County ADC, awaiting a probation revocation hearing.

John Dewey Church was accused of possession of child pornography in 2021, and sentenced to 5 years’ probation in June of 2023.

Church entered a Norgaard plea, in which he claimed to have been too intoxicated, or otherwise memory-impaired, to remember the crime for which he was convicted.

In the summer of 2022, Church pleaded guilty to multiple counts of violating a no-contact order, terroristic threats made to a Rochester police supervisor, and disorderly conduct.

He was sentenced to 150 days’ confinement.

In October of 2023, Church allegedly violated his probation by consuming alcohol and was ordered to complete 60 days’ alcohol monitoring, per Minnesota court records.

In April of 2024, Olmsted County put in a probation violation report for alcohol consumption, and Church was taken into custody.

Two other alcohol violations, which had not gone through the court system, were detailed in a transcript of his hearing.

In the May 2024 hearing, a probation officer also told a judge he had seen photos of Church around children, even though the court had forbidden contact with juveniles.

The probation officer recommended that Church be re-sentenced to confinement for terroristic threats because of the multiple alcohol violations, but “remained neutral” on re-sentencing in the child pornography case.

“Mr. Church has had chance, after chance, after chance, after chance, and we are at the point where especially considering that his use of alcohol correlates to his criminal behaviors, his threatening behaviors, his offending behaviors, that this violation, along with all the other facts and circumstances, justifies an executed sentence,” Eric Woodford with the Olmsted County Attorney’s Office argued in May.

Olmsted County Judge Lisa R. Hayne continued Church’s probation, but said if the defendant drank again, she might come to a different decision.

On Sept. 24, a new probation violation report was filed, and Church was taken back into custody.

Church is currently held without bail or bond until a contested revocation hearing Oct. 2.