Rochester man sentenced to probation after sexting undercover officer posing as child

Peter Workman / Olmsted County Adult Detention Center
(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester man who pleaded guilty to sending obscene messages to an undercover officer posing as a child received a 5-year probation sentence Monday, Feb. 5.
Peter Eric Workman, 33, pleaded guilty to one count of felony engaging in electronic communication relating or describing sexual conduct with a child in Olmsted County Court June 28.
RELATED: Rochester man pleads guilty to sexting undercover officer posing as child – ABC 6 News –
Another count of distributing electronic materials relating to or describing sex acts to a child was dismissed at sentencing.
Workman was accused of sending explicit photos of himself to an undercover officer posing as a juvenile girl on Kik in September of 2022.
According to Minnesota court records, Workman pleaded guilty in exchange for probation only, without further jail time.
Workman was ordered to attend sex offender programing and register as a predatory offender.
He was forbidden from accessing the internet without permission/approval from a probation officer or other supervising agent.
Workman was also ordered to avoid contact with juveniles, avoid places where children congregate (such as schools, parks, etc.) and may not hold a position of authority over any child.