Rochester reschedules fireworks display

Credit: MGN
(ABC 6 News) – The City of Rochester rescheduled its fireworks display for about 10 p.m. Friday, July 5.
Only the fireworks show was rescheduled — not the food vendors, music, or other events previously planned for July 4.
Traffic and parking impacts are listed below:
Closed Parking Lots & Streets
- Soldiers Field Parking Lot, Across the River (Broadway Ave S) will be closed on July 5.
- 9 Avenue SE is closed to vehicles at the intersection with Broadway Avenue. Sidewalks are open.
- There will be no parking on 2 Avenue SW from 6 Street SW to 7 Street SW on July 5.
- 2 Avenue will close to traffic 8 p.m.
- After the fireworks, 2 Avenue will temporarily become one-way northbound.
- 3 Avenue SW from 6 Street SW to 7 Street SW will close at 8 p.m.
Free Parking Options
All City and residential side streets, unless marked otherwise.
- 3rd Street Parking Ramp (100 3rd St SW)
- Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial Parking Lot (7th St. SW)
- The entire west half of this lot will be designated as accessible parking.
- Soldiers Field Swimming Pool Parking Lot (Soldiers Field Dr. SW)
- Roy Sutherland Playground Parking Area (Soldiers Field Dr. SW)
- Street Parking (Soldiers Field Dr. SW, George Gibbs Dr. SW)
· The temporary pedestrian bridge over the Zumbro River near the intersection of Broadway Avenue and 9 Street SE will be closed on July 5.
o Pedestrians will take the trail on the east side of the river north to 6 St. SW.
· The pedestrian path along the east and south sides of the Soldiers Field Golf Course, from 9 Street SE to the Highway 14/12 Street SE underpass, will be closed from 9 p.m. on July 5 until the morning of July 6.
o Pedestrians will be routed along sidewalks on the east side of Broadway Avenue and the south side of Highway 14/12 Street SE.
Soldiers Field Golf Course
· The Soldiers Field Golf Course is not open for fireworks watching.
o The front nine holes will be closed all day July 5 to allow for fireworks setup.