Rochester resident has collected nearly 175 T-shirts from breweries

Brewery T-shirts collector Paige Espy

Paige Espy and her husband bonded over beer. Now, they are making it their mission to collect T-shirts from as many breweries as possible.

(ABC 6 News) — Since 2016, Rochester resident Paige Espy has made it her mission to collect as many brewery T-shirts as possible.

Espy and her husband met at Grand Rounds Brewing Project where they bonded over beer, and now, they seek out breweries wherever they go.

To date, Espy has collected nearly 175 shirts while her husband lays claim to about 50 of his own.

“We want to find the big brewery and then find what’s around it,” Espy said. “So we have like a central point and then search out the little guys t00. And a lot of times, the little guys are the best ones because they’re trying to make things that nobody’s ever seen before.”

Espy said she is considering turning her collection of shirts into a quilt.