Rochester Rowing Club revitalizes indoor competition for the first time in five years

Rochester Rowing Club revitalizes indoor competition for the first time in five years

It's been five years since the last Rochester Rowing Club competition, but on Sunday, they brought it back with the Minnesota Power Pull.

(ABC 6 News) – The Rochester Rowing Club is back after a bit of a hiatus from their competitions.

It’s been five years since the last one, but on Sunday they brought it back with the Minnesota Power Pull.

Rowing is a sport anyone can pick up no matter your age, strength and size.

While competitions are intense, they also bring a balance of fun and community.

“Rowing is a great sport for everyone to get involved in,” said Sarah Johnson, Race Director for the Rochester Rowing Club. “We’ve hosted it since 2003 but it has been on a hiatus because of a lack of volunteers, but this year we thought, let’s give it a go and try and get the community involved.”

The five year hiatus started with COVID-19 lockdowns, but thanks to the loyal volunteers, the Rochester Rowing Club was able to pick up right where they left off.

Josie Washnieski and her younger sister have been rowing for the last four and a half years.

“We have this one thing that really, really connects us all and we spend so much time with it experiencing the same things, so it’s been really good for us,” said Josie Washnieski.

It was so much fun for them, even their parents decided to join in on the excitement.

“We’ve made such good friends throughout this organization,” Megan Washnieski, Josie’s mom, said. “Not just watching the kids make friends but we’ve become friends with the parents. We have a good time and that’s the cool thing about it, it’s so welcoming.

With the parents getting off the bleachers and into the game, it makes rowing all the more fun for the Washnieski’s now that it’s a family affair.

“Having my parents being able to cheer me on and then finally understanding what I am doing in that has been really exciting because I know that when they cheer me on. They know what they’re cheering for now and they know how to cheer me on,” said Josie Washnieski.

As a newcomer to the sport, Megan Washnieski recommends anyone who shares her curiosity for rowing to join in.

“You grow at your own pace, your own level, and it’s really about self fulfillment even though it’s apart of a team,” Megan Washnieski said.

With over 75 people in Sunday’s competition, the Rochester Rowing Club is hopeful that the interest and participation from these events will see more fun and competitiveness from these competitions, as well as growing interest from the public as the year continues.