Rochester seeking community feedback on 6th street bridge project

Rochester seeking community feedback on 6th street bridge project

The city held its 2nd open house for the 6th street bridge project and its looking to hear your thoughts. The bridge project will cost $30 million with $20 million coming from the federal government and $10 million coming from the city.

(ABC 6 News) – The city held its 2nd open house for the 6th street bridge project and its looking to hear your thoughts.

The bridge project will cost $30 million with $20 million coming from the federal government and $10 million coming from the city.

Project leaders shared a couple designs of what the bridge could potentially look like but ultimately, the open house was more about hearing from the people and what they wanted to see.

“The biggest thing we’ve heard is people really want connectivity and easier bicycle and pedestrian access over and under the bridge,” Rochester strategic initiatives director Josh Johnson said.

The city is still in the early development phases, and they don’t expect construction to start until 2026.

There’s a survey for people to fill out to share their thoughts and that’ll be open until July 31st.