SPARK hosts Ethiopian Children’s Choir

SPARK hosts Ethiopian Children’s Choir

SPARK Children's Museum in Rochester hosted the Ethiopian Children's Choir Saturday afternoon.

(ABC 6 News) – SPARK Children’s Museum in Rochester hosted the Ethiopian Children’s Choir Saturday afternoon.

It’s part of their holiday initiative to honor the diverse cultures of Rochester and their celebrations.

“Developmentally, when kids are exposed to all different ways of life and cultures and you know likes and dislikes, they have a more open mind about how they view the world,” said Mikeila Nyman, SPARK’s Education Coordinator.

The children in the choir are excited to share their culture with others and educate them on how they celebrate the holidays.

“Being able to educate people, being out there and seeing the world like this, like ‘oh I get to help people know about this,’ and just teaching others,” said Ethiopian Children’s Choir member Arsiema Feliche.

This time of year, Ethiopian’s celebrate Gena, a Christmas-like holiday which honors the birth of Jesus Christ with fasting and connecting with community.