Spreading awareness for epilepsy

Spreading awareness for epilepsy

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(ABC 6 News) – While it may seem like a typical stroll here at Cascade Lake, it meant a lot for the people who came for the Epilepsy Foundation Regional Walk.

It’s a chance for people to come together to spread awareness.

“1 in 10 people have a seizure in their lifetime and 1 in 26 will actually end up having epilepsy in their lifetime and so as a pretty common disease we’re working hard to bring more awareness and support for the community,” Epilepsy Foundation Minnesota executive director Jenna Carter said.

Nearly one hundred people laced up their shoes because of one thing in common: epilepsy has impacted their life.

Whether they were diagnosed themselves or know someone who was, events like this make sure those with epilepsy weren’t walking alone.

“We did the walk last year and we’re out there again this year,” David Schlobohm said.

A heartbreaking loss Schlobohm knows all too well.

He lost his daughter Melissa to SUDEP also known as sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.

“When my Melissa passed there was a lot of things I didn’t know about and after the fact I’ve learned many things and I just want to try and share that with as many people as possible.”

It’s a different story for each walker, some remembering those they’ve lost.

While others are proud of the journey they’ve overcome.

like Raul Dominguez who has been seizure free since 2016. This is something that he and his family looks forward to.

“He loves them, he likes how there’ more than just him here, there’s more kids and all that kind of fun stuff,” Raul’s mother Nicole Dominguez said.

As everyone took off and proceeded to walk the path, they were reminded of what they were walking for.