Street Medicine course returns for fourth year

Zumbro Valley Street Team

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(ABC 6 News) — The Zumbro Valley Medical Society kicked off the fourth year of its street medicine class for first and second year Mayo Clinic medical students.

Students enrolled in the course provide healthcare to those experiencing homelessness or those in underserved communities.

Over 70% of the first year students enrolled in the course, which goes through the entire school year.

Matthew Gish took the course last year, and enjoyed it so much that he decided to return for a second year in a leadership position.

Gish said he learned a lot through the course, including how to serve communities that have barriers to healthcare.

“They’re just people who want to be loved and cared for and they’ve got so many barriers that they need to overcome, and I don’t think I realized that growing up,” Gish said.

Bryant Karenson also tool the course last year, and he said the lessons he learned will make him a better doctor for his future patients.

“I really wanted to take my experiences back home here and really like amplify sort of the experiences that I want to have for my future patients to make sure they feel seen and heard,” Karenson said.

Students participating in the course this year will have the opportunity to work alongside doctors to provide free health care and other resources at street clinics around Rochester throughout the year.