Student loan forgiveness for nurses

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(ABC 6 News) – The Keeping Nurses by the Bedside Act was overhauled in the 11th hour Monday evening as the Minnesota legislative session came to a close.

A major component of the revised ‘Nurse and Patient Safety Act’ is student loan forgiveness.

The intent is to retain nurses and keep them in hospitals.

“What this bill does is add hospital nurses and hospital nurse educators to that already existing program so they can take advantage of it, too,” Sen. Liz Boldon (DFL) – Rochester explained.

But some say patient and worker safety is still a problem, so Thursday, Mayo and Methodist surgery-workers will deliver a petition to Mayo leaders.

They’re calling on Mayo Cinic to make positive policy changes for the safety of patients and employees.

The surgery workers plan to deliver the petition Thursday morning at 10 a.m. on the sidewalk outside St. Marys hospital..