Thousands of pounds of food donated annual food drive

Thousands of pounds of food donated annual food drive

Postal workers across the country picked up more than just letters on their routes Saturday — they also picked up donations of food for local food banks and charities.

(ABC 6 News) – Postal workers across the country picked up more than just letters on their routes Saturday — they also picked up donations of food for local food banks and charities.

Rochester, Austin and Albert Lea were just three of the many cities that participated in the campaign.

People across southern Minnesota left food in bags by their mailboxes for their mail carriers to pick up and deliver to their neighbors who are in need.

More than 13,000 pounds of food were collected in Albert Lea this year and taken to local food shelves in the same day, according to Scott Pirsig, Albert Lea’s food drive coordinator.

“The letter carriers are really the eyes and ears of the community. I mean we see that there’s a need, firsthand, I mean we deliver to every house in the community, so we know people who are struggling, we see people that are struggling,” Pirsig said.

Letter carriers say Albert Lea has great participation from volunteers and community members each year because they are eager to help out those who need it most.

Cities across the nation participated in the Letter Carrier’s Stamp out Hunger Food Drive, which has been going on over three decades.