Three Iowans to stand trial for stealing veteran grave markers
(ABC 6 News) — A jury trial is set for three Iowans charged with stealing and trying to sell bronze markers from public monuments and gravesites in at least four counties.
Related: Thieves arrested in northern Iowa for stealing grave markers
Police say the thefts began in December and included veteran grave markers and other bronze memorials from cemeteries in Franklin, Butler, Cerro Gordo, and Mitchell counties.
Brandon S. Smith and Rachael Cad of Hampton along with Lauren Johnson of Dumont have all pled not guilty to various counts of theft and criminal mischief in a Franklin County Court.
Card and Johnson are out on bond, but Smith remains behind bars.
A tentative date for jury trial is set for April 8.
Meanwhile, county veteran organizations are fielding calls and working diligently to help get those markers replaced at no cost to the families.
“We’ve got 18 different veteran markers that I know about so far, and all of them have been ordered. The families get families that are really affected by it. It’s hard on them because it’s their dad’s memorial, that’s their grandfather’s memorial, or whatever the case may be. And so it hits them. It hits them pretty hard. It’s it’s really too bad that we got to go through this,” said Adam Akers, the director of Franklin County Veteran Affairs.
Police seized more than 700 pounds of scrap that was all defaced.
There also is a felony warrant out for a fourth suspect in connection to the thefts.
The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is seeking Joshua D. Sellers of Manly, who is 5’8″ and 180 pounds. If you see him you are asked to call 911 immediately. A photo of Sellers can be seen below.