City of Austin to use smoke to find sewer system leaks

Courtesy: MGN / Pixabay
(ABC 6 News) – The City of Austin wants to warn residents that they’ll be doing smoke testing on storm drains and the sewer system starting on Monday, September 12.
The city made the announcement on their Facebook page.
The testing will be in the north-central part of the city and will last through Friday, September 23, weather permitting, according to the city.
The city will be using smoke to detect any cracks in the sewer pipes or broken cleanouts in yards.
The smoke is non-toxic, and homes with proper plumbing will vent the smoke from the sewer through the roof.
To prevent smoke from getting into a home, the city suggests pouring one-gallon of water down all drains, sinks and tubs.
If smoke does enter a home, the city says open a window and put a wet towel over the drain.
During the two week testing period, residents may see smoke coming from storm and sewer drains.
For any residents who may have questions, they are advised to call the Engineering Department at 507-437-9950.