Dodge County Peace Officer’s Association presents $3K donation to SE Minn. Toys for Tots

Dodge County Peace Officer's Association presents a check to the SE Minn. Toys for Tots (12/15/2022)
(ABC 6 News) – The Dodge County Peace Officer’s Association on Thursday presented two $1,500 checks to Southeast Minnesota Toys for Tots.
Every year the Association hosts the Loring Guenther Memorial Golf Tournament in honor of Dodge County Captain Loring Guenther who died in the line of duty in 2013. Guenther was active with Toys for Tots helping to make sure no child went without something special under the Christmas tree.
Members of the Association also assist Toys for Tots at the toy warehouse each year sorting and packaging for deliveries to southeast Minnesota communities.
The Association also donated $7,000 earlier this week to the Southeast Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial being built at Soldiers Field Memorial Park in Rochester. The memorial will display Guenther’s name and 3 other fallen heroes in Dodge County and 26 others from southeast Minnesota.
For information on how to donate to your local Toys for Tots campaign, CLICK HERE.