Ear of Corn Water Tower could become a historical landmark

(ABC 6 News)- On Tuesday, the Heritage Preservation Commission heard from community members on why they believe the water tower should receive a historical landmark designation.
The Reid Murdoch Company built the water tower in 1931 for their canning business. In 1948, the property was sold to Libby, McNeil, and Libby. By 1983, Seneca Foods operated the plant before it closed in 2018.
The proposed landmark designation would only be for the structure itself and not the surrounding property it is located on.
One community member believes knowing why the water tower was created and what is was used for makes a big difference in people’s opinions over a possible landmark designation.
“Knowing the history and background of it has made it more important and I think the people in Rochester, knowing the history and background of it, have really embraced it,” said Sean Kettelkamp, Rochester resident and Researcher at the History Center of Olmsted County.
The HPC will recommend the city council vote to approve the historic landmark designation.