Fire extinguished at Rochester laundromat

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(ABC 6 News) – A fire Wednesday afternoon in Rochester was extinguished before it spread to neighboring businesses.

Just before 2 p.m.. the Rochester fire department responded to a fire at a northwest laundromat.

When crews arrived, they discovered a dryer fire at the Mega Coin Laundry on 55th street Northwest.

Crews were able to extinguish the fire along with a remaining hotspots. There is no estimate on damages and are crews worked to clear gasses that could potentially be toxic.

“They can be depending on what’s being dried the contents of what is actually in the dryer the age you know there are alot of things that are taking into account of when these things start on fire so for that reason they are going to be investigating the fire which is standard procedure in fires of this case,” said Captain Caleb Feine.

The cause of the fire is under investigation