Former Rochester tennis coach sentenced jail time for sexually assaulting teen he coached

(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester tennis coach convicted of criminal sexual conduct with a minor will serve 19 days in jail.

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Bradley Dorsher, 40, pleaded guilty to having sexual contact with a minor back in October, 2022.

Wednesday, the prosecution asked for the maximum sentence of 30 days, but the judge sentenced him to only 19.

The case dates back to 2017 when Dorsher, a tennis coach at the Rochester Athletic Club, began sexual conduct with one of his players, who was 14 years old at the time. The sexual contact turned into sexual touching in the summer of 2018, according to the victim.

Out of the 19 days of jail time, seven days must be served consecutively in Douglas County where Dorsher lives, but the other 12 days can be served over four different weekends. They must be completed within six months.

Olmsted County District Attorney Mark Ostrem says he disagrees with the sentencing saying Dorsher deserves to serve the maximum sentence, but says it is all up to the judge’s discretion.

“I can see where the judge doesn’t want the entire family to feel upset. He needs to feel the sanction, not the rest of the family, is where I guess she was probably going. I don’t necessarily probably agree with that in all cases,” Ostrem said.

Dorsher must also pay a $1,000 fine along with a $90 surplus charge. He also must serve 100 hours of community service.

Dorsher is on probation for the next two years, must register as a predatory offender, provide DNA samples and attend an outpatient adult sex offender treatment with polygraph tests.

Sitting in the courtroom Wednesday were the victim’s parents. They read statements for the judge about how what Dorsher did to their daughter destroyed their family and their daughter.

They also read a statement from the victim, who was not in court, that said she “still has nightmares of Dorsher coming back to finish what he started.”