Gov. Reynolds launches website designed to help parents find childcare openings

(KCRG) – Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds held a press conference on Thursday to announce the launch of a new website designed to help parents find childcare openings.
The effort comes at a time when Iowa is facing several issues related to childcare, including a shortage of workers and the high costs to parents trying to afford childcare. The governor has tried to address the issues in recent legislative sessions.
During a press conference Thursday, Gov. Reynolds announced the Iowa Childcare Connect website, which she said will help parents find available childcare providers near them in real time.
The state formed the Childcare Task Force as the childcare shortage intensified during the pandemic. Since then, Reynolds says Iowa has invested $545 Million in childcare, creating 24,270 new childcare slots across the state.
Reynolds said she believes the new website will fundamentally change how working parents find care for their children.
“It is a central online hub for working parents that can quickly and easily find childcare providers that are near them that have openings available now, and so much more,” Reynolds said.
Parents will be able to use the site to map childcare openings on their route to work.
Reynolds said the site will also help the state pinpoint exactly where childcare access is lacking in parts of the state, allowing the state to find solutions.