Gummies and chews available for medical cannabis patients starting Aug. 1

(ABC 6 News) – Patients registered in Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Program will be eligible to buy gummies and chews from the state’s medical cannabis dispensaries starting Aug. 1.

In preparation for the change, registered patients interested in these products can make an appointment for a consultation with a medical cannabis dispensary pharmacist so they will be pre-approved to buy gummies and chews once they become available.

Consultations are required when a patient changes the type of medical cannabis they receive. Dispensaries are now scheduling consultation appointments for patients.

Gummies and chews will be produced in single-serving sizes and not exceed 10 mg per serving and 100 mg per package. Ratios of cannabidiol (CBD) to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the products will vary.

To minimize their appeal to children, a medical cannabis gummy or chew must not bear the likeness or contain cartoon-like characteristics of a real or fictional person, animal, or fruit.

More information can be found HERE.