Minnesota DFL Chair calls for Mitchell Resignation

DFL chair calling for Sen. Mitchell to resign – ABC 6 News Daytime

DFL chair calling for Sen. Mitchell to resign - ABC 6 News Daytime

ABC 6 NEWS — In a press release sent early Thursday morning, Ken Martin, the chairman of the Minnesota DFL, is calling for the resignation of Senator Nicole Mitchell.

Mitchell was charged with burglary following a break-in at her mother-in-law’s residence in April. Since then, multiple members of the Minnesota Republican party have called for her resignation, calls which Mitchell has thus far resisted.

In a release sent on Thursday, May 30, Martin said, “The Minnesota DFL believes that all elected officials should be held accountable, including members of our own party. While Sen. Mitchell is entitled to her day in court, her continued refusal to take responsibility for her actions is beneath her office and has become a distraction for her district and the Legislature. Now that her constituents have had full representation through the end of the legislative session, it is time for her to resign to focus on the personal and legal challenges she faces.”

Previously, in an edition of At Issue on ABC 6 sister station KSTP, Martin has said, “If I was in her shoes, I would probably consider resigning … but I’m not in her shoes and only Senator Mitchell can make that decision for herself.”

Mitchell has not yet responded to the new call for her resignation, but has said that she does not intend on resigning over these charges.