Mower Co. SWCD offers cost assistance to seal unused wells

(ABC 6 News) – Recently, some Mower County property owners received a letter from the state about a well on their property that might need to be sealed. The letter from the Minnesota Department of Health states if a well is not being used, the property owner has 90 days to get the well properly sealed, have the well put back into use or obtain a well maintenance permit.
The Mower Soil & Water Conservation District in Austin has cost-share assistance for sealing wells, which can cover around 50 percent of those costs. Cost-share details vary depending on whether the well is in the watershed-planning area of the Cedar River in western Mower County or Root River in eastern Mower County.
An unused well can act like a drain that allows surface water runoff, contaminated water or improperly disposed waste a direct path into drinking water sources. When this happens, everyone’s drinking water quality is threatened. It also poses as a safety hazard for children and animals.
According to the state, the best way to prevent any human, animal or environmental harm from an unused well is for all owners of property with wells to know rules and steps for ensuring wells are safe:
- Minnesota statute and rule require that unused, unsealed wells must be sealed by a licensed well contractor.
- Property owners should NOT try to fill an unused well on their own — it MUST be done by a licensed well contractor.
- A well owner always is given the option to place an unused well back in service but often this isn’t feasible because the well’s condition has deteriorated beyond repair.
- Questions about unused wells can be directed to MDH Well Management staff or a local well contractor.
- More details on well sealing and well disclosures are on MDH’s website:
Those interested in applying for cost-share for their well sealing should contact Ruzek to learn about the process and apply to the Mower SWCD Board of Supervisors. They can email him at or call 507-460-4577.