Nearly 2,000 volunteers search for Madeline Kingsbury, another search planned for Saturday

(ABC 6 News) – Nearly two thousand volunteers searching from the ground and sky, but Friday evening still no sign of Madeline Kingsbury.

Investigators are staying quiet about what may have been found during the searches throughout the day.

What we do know is that a lot of people showed up to help. In fact, so many they were able to expand the areas they had planned to search.

”They said they needed more boots on the ground and I thought well, I’m older but I can do this.”

United with a common goal.

RELATED: Over 1,860 volunteers assist in search for Maddi, another search planned for Saturday

“if I were gone, I would hope that somebody would be out there searching for me so I’m doing the same thing.”

Bring Madeling Kingsbury home.

Volunteers scoured the ground in-Fillmore, Houston, and Winona counties.

Searching for anything that could be a clue.

“We are fanning out, hitting the hills, and looking for anything out of the ordinary. Just walking and looking,” explained Jeff Rein, Mabel Fire department.

Step after step – thoughts of the woman their trying to find.

“It’s heartbreaking, it really is and it’s really scary to think about.

the young mothers face fueling their efforts to keep looking.

“My sore legs or my whatever is nothing compared to heartache and so that’s why I will do this
willing to do anything, so they can to get Maddi home.

‘”I’m just so amazed with the people that are here and together we can do this we need to find her.”

RELATED: Police provide update on Madeline Kingsbury’s disappearance; search continues

The Winona County Sheriff’s Office, Winona Police Department and the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office are now organizing another mass search for Maddi on Saturday.

Officials are looking for individuals over 18 years of age to walk areas that are rough terrain and long distances.

Authorities are asking that if you volunteer, we need to have individuals that can meet these requirements: wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

If you are willing to volunteer, registration will be from 9am – 11am at either:

  • Winona County -Goodview Fire Department, 4135 5th St, Winona MN
  • Fillmore County Rushford-Peterson School, 1000 Pine Meadows Lane, Rushford MN.

Volunteers will be assigned and bussed to the search areas.

Bring your driver’s license/identification. You will need to be checked in and out for security and accountability.

Sign-up is recommended for organizational purposes, you can do so, HERE.

A GoFundMe page has also been setup in the search for Kingsbury. It can be found, HERE.