New details about drug arrest at Austin restaurant: fear of drug-contaminated flour, nearly 60 grams of cocaine allegedly located

(ABC 6 News) – A drug bust at an Austin restaurant led to concerns that controlled substances could contaminate the restaurant’s food, according to court documents.

APD arrested 39-year-old Terry Izeal Heggs of Austin in connection with a drug bust at Austin restaurant Wing Bazaar in mid-January.

RELATED: Austin police: 50g cocaine found with search warrant, one arrested – ABC 6 News –

Heggs appeared in Mower County court on two charges of 1st-degree drug possession, fleeing a police officer, and violating a Domestic Abuse No-Contact Order dating back to the Jan. 13. arrest, as well as four more counts of DANCO violation accrued in the days following his arrest.

Court documents for the cases have now revealed the circumstances of Heggs’ arrest.

According to Heggs’ Jan. 13 criminal complaint, Austin police allegedly searched the restaurant after learning that a woman who had a DANCO against Heggs had begun working at the business.

Austin police claim that when they entered the business, Heggs ran out the back door and was intercepted by law enforcement.

The criminal complaint alleged that law enforcement seized the following items in a search of the Heggs, the Wing Bazaar restaurant, and attached living area:

  • Baggie of suspected fentanyl – located next to the bed
  • Working digital scales with white residue – located in the restaurant’s kitchen drawer
  • White powdery substance on a plate – located in the restaurant kitchen
  • Four (4) knotted baggies of white powder – located in the restaurant’s kitchen drawer
  • Small amount of marijuana – located in a cabinet in restaurant dining area
  • Corner baggie of white substance – located in back storage area behind restaurant kitchen,
  • Three (3) corner baggies of white substance – located in back storage area behind restaurant kitchen. The baggies later tested positive for cocaine and weighed 59.2 grams, according to court documents.
  • Corner baggie of white substance – located in back storage area behind restaurant kitchen
  • $330 cash located on the defendant and $120 cash in the restaurant cash register

The criminal complaint notes that officers also found a plate with a “white powdery substance” suspected to be cocaine and/or fentanyl in the kitchen, located near the flour used to make the restaurant’s chicken.

Officers claimed that the drugs could have been cut with a cutting agent at the table, and that if the suspected drugs had gotten mixed in with the restaurant’s flour, it would have been unnoticeable.

The Wing Bazaar food license was revoked shortly after Heggs’ arrest.

RELATED: Austin restaurant’s food license revoked after drug bust – ABC 6 News –

According to court documents, Heggs offered law enforcement “the biggest bust ever” if he was released.

Mower County filed an intent to seek aggravated sentencing, based on Heggs’ criminal history and the alleged severity of the drug charges.

Heggs was released from Mower County jail at the end of January, according to Minnesota court records.

However, he allegedly called the woman who had a DANCO order against him from jail four times on Jan. 18, resulting in the four further charges of DANCO violation.

Heggs’ next court appearance is scheduled for June 22, 2023.