Olmsted revokes licenses for substance abuse treatment center

(FILE PHOTO) RFD responds to fire at Oakridge Treatment Facility on 4/3/2023
(ABC 6 News) – On Nov. 22, 2023, the Olmsted County revoked multiple licenses for Oakridge Treatment Center in Haverhill Township, due to safety concerns for individuals in the facility and neighboring communities.
According to the Olmsted County office, the Public Health Services Advisory Board unanimously deemed the Oakridge Treatment Center a “public health nuisance” on Nov. 2, 2023. The board cites multiple concerns from state offices, including a “disproportionate number of reported overdoses and calls for service to the facility.”
“The continued failure to mitigate these concerns jeopardizes the health and safety of the vulnerable adults served by the facility and Olmsted County’s community members,” said Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office Captain Tim Parkin.
According to the Minnesota Department of Health and Safety, Oakridge has undergone 11 different investigations and correction orders since May 20, 2020, including seven maltreatment investigations.
In five of the seven maltreatment investigations, the state found that either sexual abuse or neglect did occur.
The county state Oakridge must relocate clients by noon on Monday, Nov. 27, 2023 following the loss of the facility’s licenses.
Olmsted County can assist individuals with substance abuse disorders in finding treatment options. A comprehensive assessment is available by contacting Olmsted County’s Adult Behavioral Health Intake line at 507-328-6558 or by emailing abhi@olmstedcounty.gov. Olmsted County also has a list of substance abuse resources available in the community.