Owatonna police open investigation surrounding person’s death

(ABC 6 News) – The Owatonna Police Department has opened an investigation into the circumstances surrounding a person’s death.

Officers were called to the 600 block of Florence Ave. around 10 p.m. on Tuesday, May 30 where a body was found near some railroad tracks behind the Steele County Administrative building.

Police were on scene for almost 12 hours, but still have plenty unanswered questions.

“It’s quiet. What a shock,” said Sebastian Vokon who lives near the scene. “So, for there to be something like this it’s kinda wild,” said Vokon.

Law enforcement has identified the body but is not releasing the name at this time, but they are a keeping all avenues open during this investigation as to what happened.

“We are working with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprihention, the Steele County Coroners Office and the Southeast Minnesota Medical Examiners Office to determine time and manor of death,” said Owatonna Chief of Police Jeff Mundale.

With the case unsolved it’s leaving some residents feeling a little uneasy.

“Yeah, I’ll probably be a little more cautious turning the lights on I go outside and checking stuff out,” said resident Ron Stouweiler.

Chief Jeff Mundale says this is a bit unusual for the town of 26-thousand people but there is no threat to the public.

“However, if they do have information. We would definitely like to cooperate with us and assist us. Our community is very helpful in our success,” said Chief Mundale.

Police are still working to notify family before they release the name. They’re also awaiting autopsy results. Police are not calling this death suspicious at this point.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) is working jointly with Owatonna police during this active investigation.

Owatonna police provided no other details and said more information will be released at a later time.

Anyone with information about the incident, is urged to contact Owatonna police at (507)-774-7220.