Property owners have 24 hours to clear snow

Photo illustration: snow / MGN
(ABC 6 News) – The Rochester Public Works Department reminded property owners Monday that they have 24 hours to clear accumulated snow and ice after a snowfall.
Rochester city code requires property owners to completely clear snow and ice from public sidewalks and paths, or clear at least a five-foot-wide path from pathways that are wider than a traditional sidewalk.
If the Public Works Department receives a complaint that snow and ice have not been cleared from a property, the owner may face a $40 administrative fine and a bill for the cost to remove the snow and ice.
Residents can obtain buckets of free sand/salt mixtures for treating sidewalks behind the Fiesta Cafe in the Northbrook Shopping Center and at the end of 1st Avenue SW, next to the former YMCA building.
Buckets, bags, and shovels will not be provided — any residents who would like to use the free sand/salt mixture must bring their own, and are encouraged, to sweep up any salt and sand left after the snowfall to prevent it from running off into nearby waterways.