Rochester city council receives update on Link Rapid Transit project during study session


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(ABC 6 News) – Rochester city council got an important update on the $1.5 million project creating fast public transit and affordable housing on Monday.

During a study session, a presentation was given regarding the progress on the Link Rapid Transit project.

It’s a joint project, creating a 2.8 mile long bus route along 2nd street, and the West Transit village, a 12 acre mixed use neighborhood of affordable housing and retail stores.

The project was created to address concerns over the growing population of Rochester.

According to Cindy Steinhauser, the Deputy City Administrator for Development Services and Infrastructure, they had to choose between this project, or building about 8 blocks worth of parking ramps.

“We opted to move for a smart bus rapid transit system that would move people; allow them to not be dependent on their cars to get through the downtown area,” Steinhauser said.

The West Transit Village will be located next to Cascade Lake.

The 12 electric buses needed for the project, are expected to be ready by late 2026.