RPL Board takes stance on freedom to read

Rochester Public Library
(ABC 6 News) – The Rochester Public Library (RPL) Board of Trustees said during its October monthly meeting it adopted a resolution on the freedom to read.
RPL says the resolution supports the library’s mission which is “welcoming all to connect and learn.” The board confirmed that it condemns censorship and book banning in all forms and upholds the library’s values including the “respect for intellectual freedom.”
“The library board is proud to enthusiastically affirm the Rochester Public Library’s commitment to intellectual freedom,” says Library Board President Antinea Ascione, adding, “We are happy to offer a rich and diverse collection of materials that supports our mission, and fosters intellectual curiosity within our Rochester community.”
RPL says it has books and materials representing different viewpoints, beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences.
The full resolution can be viewed, HERE.