Your guide to surviving allergy season

(ABC 6 News) – When people think of spring, some might think of summer, and others, might think of another season – allergy season.

Those at Mayo Clinic say if you’re prone to allergies, you’ll develop something called an IGE to a particular allergy. That means when you’re exposed, you can have some sort of allergic reaction.

The first step to easing the reaction is to control your exposure. Maybe it’s by keeping your house or windows closed. If it’s a dry, windy day, run the air conditioning because it recirculates clean air.

“First-line treatment is what we call oral antihistamines that help with some of the itching, running, and sneezing,” said Dr. Arveen K. Bhasin, an allergy and immunology expert with Mayo Clinic.

“The nasal spray is really helping to focus on some of the congestion and the runny nose.”

Saline solutions or a neti-pot can also be helpful. Doctor Bhasin said it’s best to start over-the-counter options a few weeks before allergy season really kicks in.

What you eat can also impact your allergic reactions. You might have what is known as cross-over allergy syndrome. That’s when your body identifies proteins in one thing, like pollen, and proteins in something like watermelon, as similar. Other examples include kiwis, apples, peanuts, and celery.

“The connection is very strong between grass, trees, and certain foods that grow with a family association or a species association,” said Bryce Wylde, a functional medicine practitioner.

“By removing them from your diet, foods that you’re otherwise sensitive to or allergic to, you’re going to make this season a lot easier to manage.”

For a quick fix to an allergic reaction, Wylde recommends an antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin.