Trial scheduled for Rochester-area drug sales suspect

Jon Michael Ask / Olmsted County ADC
(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester man accused of multiple drug possession and sale crimes will stand trial on some of the charges in May.
Jon Michael Ask, 45, was arrested in July of 2023 and charged with 1st-degree drug possession and 1st-degree drug sale.
In August, he was re-arrested after allegedly being caught with even more drugs in his car and home.
RELATED: Rochester man re-arrested Sept. 22 on multiple drug charges – ABC 6 News –
Ask was charged with two more counts of 1st-degree drug sale, another count of 1st-degree drug sale, and counts of 3rd- and 5th-degree drug possession related to the second arrest.
Ask will appear in Olmsted County Court for a pretrial hearing on the second set of charges May 14, according to Minnesota Court Records Online — followed by a trial May 20.
According to Minnesota court records, a trial for the first set of charges has not been scheduled.
Ask was also charged with two counts of 2nd-degree drug possession in Dodge County Court in April and June of 2023. He is scheduled to appear for in Dodge County Court March 6, 2023.