Unbreakable bond: Minnesota family reunites with French exchange student

Exchange student reunion

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(ABC 6 News) – Elizabeth Moulin was just 15 years old when she visited America from France.

It was a visit that left her with many bonds and memories that still hold strong today.

“Elizabeth arrives and she is a beautiful French woman, and elegant and we were star struck,” Darya Gemmel, a member of her U.S. host family said.

It was 1978 when Moulin first stepped foot on U.S. soil. It’s an experience she will never forget.

“When I arrive in America, the first thing I see, it’s a big, big car,” Elizabeth Moulin said.

She took part in the international student exchange of Iowa which matched her with a host family.

Darya Gemmel was part of that host family. Now living in Austin, she describes how wonderful it is for Moulin to be back in America after 46 years.

“Over the course of 20 years, we lost touch, but we never forgot,” Gemmel said.

Back in 2004, Gemmel visited Elizabeth in France. It was the first time the families reunited since the exchange.

“The neatest thing we’re doing is still connecting all three generations and it’s really impactful,” Alicia Harrison, another member of the host family said.

Now Moulin is back in the U.S., it’s a chance to reflect on her time as an exchange student and to share those memories with her family.

“It’s really amazing because in France we are a tiny family and when I come here, we are a bigger family and it’s really cool,” Elizabeth’s daughter, Agathe Moulin, said.

A lot of time may have passed since Moulin last visited the U.S., but what remains unchanged are the bonds she’s built during her time here.

“It’s so emotional to see the pictures, to remember, to have the tests, to remember the tests,” Elizabeth Moulin said.

Now the two families are linked forever, grateful to have met.