What the Tech? How to Protect Your Facebook Account

What the Tech? Protect Your Facebook Account

What the Tech? Protect Your Facebook Account

(ABC 6 News) – My Facebook Account Got Hacked!

It seems like every week I get emails from people who have had their Facebook accounts
hacked. And I’m talking about really hacked, not just cloned. These people have lost everything
they ever uploaded to Facebook and can’t log back into their accounts. Why? Because the
hacker changed their password. If this happens to you, it’s almost impossible to get your
account back. There’s no customer service number or email for Facebook. So, what can you
do? Here’s how to protect your Facebook account (and everything in it) from hackers.

Facebook Hacking is Real

Here are some simple steps you can take to keep your Facebook account safe:

Turn on 2-factor authentication. This requires a second step to log in to your account
on a new device. Even if a hacker gets your username and password, they’ll need
access to your phone to confirm it’s really you logging in.
Use a strong password. Choose a password that you don’t use on any other account.
Don’t fall for scams. Even if a message or post looks like it’s from a friend, be careful.
Things like “Look who died” are common scams. If you click, you’ll be taken to a fake
Facebook page that asks for your login information. Don’t do it!
Don’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know. And don’t just ignore
them, block them. This keeps them from following your posts. Also, if you get a friend
request or message from someone you’re already friends with, double-check with them
before accepting. It could be a fake account.
Turn on login alerts. This will send you a notification if someone tries logging into your
account on another device or computer.

These steps will help keep your Facebook account secure. But remember, you need to do this
before your account is hacked.

What About My Photos and Videos?

Many people store irreplaceable photos, videos, and memories on Facebook. If your account is
hacked, you could lose them all. Next time, I’ll share how to keep those uploads safe, even if
your account is hacked.