What’s your sober game plan this Super Bowl Sunday?

(ABC 6 News) – With the Super Bowl game Sunday evening, many people across the country are getting together with family and friends for watch parties, many also celebrating with a drink or two. But law enforcement is warning people that if you had a drink, driving is not an option.

Many local law enforcement agencies are having extra troopers on the roads Sunday night to keep an eye out for drunk drivers, including the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota and Iowa State Patrol.

It’s part of the Toward Zero Deaths campaign for Minnesota agencies. Due to how many people celebrate Super Bowl Sunday with alcohol, officers are working overtime.

In Rochester, RPD will not have extra officers on the roads, but officers want people to know that they are keeping a lookout all night to make sure everyone is safe.

“Super Bowl Sunday is a pretty big event and a lot of people like to enjoy some alcohol, and we certainly understand. Over the years, it’s just been a time where we do the best we can out here with the staff that we have to be vigilant and watch for people that are intoxicated and driving,” explained Sgt. Bert Otto with RPD.

Officers want everyone to have a fun but safe night.

The biggest piece of advice they have for people is to have a sober game plan.